Global threats are growing fast, from climate change and nuclear weapons to the spread of infectious disease and job loss from automation.
Unit 1: Doha Debates Asks
Doha Debates Asks: Does Globalization Make Life Easier?
Essential questions
- Do you think globalization makes your life easier? Where do you think most of the products you buy come from?
- Do you think people should be able to work and live in any country?
- Do you think borders are more helpful or harmful? Can you name three issues that can only be tackled globally?
- Why is it hard for countries to tackle problems together?
- What does being a global citizen mean to you?
Unit 2: Your Phone Is a Product of Globalization
Your Phone Is a Product of Globalization
Doha Debates Correspondent Nelufar Hedayat breaks down the current state of globalization.
Essential questions
- What is globalization?
- Who has helped develop the technology in smartphones?
- Where do the materials for a smartphone come from?
- How has globalization affected poverty in countries like China?
- What is free trade?
- What types of changes have happened because of globalization?
- Why are distrust and division on the rise?
Unit 3: Are all passports created equal? And Other Short Videos
Artea: Envisioning a World Without Borders
Essential questions
- Are all passports created equal?
- What are possible ways to incorporate refugees into a new place instead of pushing them away?
- How involved should one country become in another country’s affairs?
- How can people in “unseen” communities create visibility?
Unit 4a: Speaker Parag Khanna
Parag Khanna: Globalization Reduces Poverty For Billions of People
Parag points to poverty reduction for billions across the world and global wealth creation as evidence that globalization has ultimately been a force for good. Negative effects of globalization like inequality and environmental degradation cannot be blamed on globalization itself, Parag argues, but on leaders that are failing to effectively manage their economic systems.
Essential questions
- How old is globalization?
- Does globalization help reduce poverty?
- Which is worse, too little trade or unfair trade?
- Why is infrastructure investment important for globalization?
- What role does government play in globalization?
- Is inequality a product of globalization or of politics?
- How might globalization help with education?
Unit 4b: Speaker Medea Benjamin
Speaker Spotlight: Medea Benjamin
Medea believes the downfalls of globalization can be attributed to the immense power afforded to corporations in shaping our increasingly globalized world. Our future lies, she argues, in thinking of ourselves as global citizens while uplifting local economies instead of vast, corporate-driven ones.
Essential questions
- Is it possible to live in a borderless world?
- How has globalization wreaked havoc as an economic system?
- What are the costs of cheap products?
- What are the environmental impacts of globalization?
- How might globalization be undemocratic and unfair?
- How does globalization play out at the local level?
- What might be a simple way to for an individual to have a global impact?
Unit 4c: Speaker Sisonke Msimang
Sisonke Msimang: The Jargon of Globalization Talks
Sisonke argues that opposition to globalization is oftentimes a way to disguise racism, pointing to the growing hatred and fear of migrants in wealthy countries that by and large have benefited from economic globalization. To more adequately address globalization, Sisonke says, we must reject the term “globalization” itself and start taking action, both politically and locally, to change what we do not like about our world.
Essential questions
- Does it matter where you live?
- Is globalization used to stir up hatred and to blame others such as foreigners?
- Are conversations about globalization in wealthy countries really about race and multiculturalism?
- Why do some poor countries reject globalization?
- What are reasons people are anti-globalization?
- What are reasons people are pro-globalization?
- How might local politics have a global impact?
Unit 5: Connector
How to get along with other people
Essential questions
- What is a Majlis?
- Is inequality a political choice?
- Is there too much “globalese” being thrown around?
- How does Us vs. Them play into how globalization is viewed?
- Are citizens directing their anger about globalization in the right direction?
- Does activism still make a difference in the direction globalization is going?
About Deep Dive
Doha Debates hosts discussions on the world’s most pressing challenges to bridge differences, build consensus and identify solutions. In each moderated live debate, experts share their experiences and propose concrete plans. Doha Debates also offers digital resources such as videos and articles to help students build a deep understanding of the issues and to foster ongoing conversations.