Oweis Al Salahi, a senior at Northwestern University in Qatar, was born in the UK and raised in Qatar. His studies focus on the humanities, social sciences and law. He enjoys swimming, traveling and reading. He is most proud of being part of the committee that convened the commemoration of the UN International Day to Protect Education from Attack in Geneva; at 16 years old, he was the youngest speaker at the commemoration. He is the founder of SDGeneration Network, which has been recognized as the only youth-led grassroots initiative focused on sustainable development in the Middle East. He hopes to help excel in the field of youth empowerment, granting young people further opportunities to express their concerns and find solutions for greater change. He also hopes to become a leader in the sustainability sector. Oweis is excited to be a Doha Debates ambassador, as he believes that when youth with different perspectives gather, there are bound to be mind-blowing solutions. He hopes to build great connections with young people around the world and gain more insights through an international lens.