Rami Mroueh, hailing from the UK, is a graduate student at SOAS University of London. He studies the art of negotiation, diplomatic momentum and ethnicity, culture and identity. In his free time, he loves learning languages, traveling and playing squash. Rami is proudest of winning third place in Brunel University’s READY (Reach Every Ambition by Developing Yourself) Program for designing a life-saving edible biodegradable tablet to counter health issues in a Zambian refugee camp. He is also proud of successfully representing Brunel University’s Model UN Society by himself at the London International Model United Nations Conference in 2021 as the delegate of Singapore, coming up with new arguments on the topic of privacy and censorship at the last minute with very little time to prepare. He hopes to join the British Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office to become a cultural attaché at a British embassy or high commission, helping Britain improve its global image. Rami is excited to be a Doha Debates ambassador because he is hoping to engage intellectually with others on critical current global issues that often get overlooked in the mainstream news.