Wahed Shaik is an Indian undergraduate student at the University of Doha for Science and Technology (UDST) in Qatar, studying artificial intelligence and data science. He is also studying entrepreneurship and start-ups. In his free time, he loves reading, swimming and learning about businesses. Wahed’s proudest accomplishments are becoming the IT director of Qatar Youth Power (QYP), Qatar’s most well-known student-run organization, and making it to the finals of the Business Gateway Competition hosted by Qatar Development Bank and UDST, a competition he hopes to someday win so that he can grow his start-up into a company. His goal is to ultimately secure a job in Silicon Valley associated with artificial intelligence and data science. Wahed is excited to be a Doha Debates ambassador because he has always wanted to learn, understand and respectfully debate global issues. He firmly believes that being an ambassador will open new opportunities for him and advance his professional and, more importantly, personal development.