Yana Abu Taleb is the Jordanian Director of EcoPeace Middle East which is a unique regional organization that brings together Jordanian, Palestinian and Israeli environmentalists to promote sustainable development and advance peace efforts in the Middle East. The organization has offices in Amman, Ramallah and Tel-Aviv.
As Jordanian Director, Ms. Abu Taleb leads EcoPeace activities concerning the Jordan River, the Dead Sea, the Good Water Neighbors and the Water Energy Nexus Projects. Her responsibilities include supervising international project development and management, serving as a liaison to and lobbying of governmental and private sector figures and organizations on major regional policy issues relevant to environmental protection and transboundary water. She is heavily involved in solar energy projects in the region and promotes renewable energy initiatives in Jordan. She co-authored many reports and policy papers and speaks regularly at local and international conferences.
Before becoming the Jordanian director of EcoPeace Middle East, Ms. Abu Taleb was the Deputy director and Regional Projects Manager of the organization. She also managed a program aiming at modernizing the educational system in Saudi Arabia implemented by the British Council. She received a degree from the university of Jordan in 1996.
Yana Abu Taleb: Cooperation Between Jordan, Palestine & Israel
Speaker Spotlight: Yana Abu Taleb
Water Scarcity